
A Touch of Spring Craft

By Jodi Lorence April 27, 2021

This very simple craft sure looks cute on the bulletin board or would look good anywhere to brighten up your day. The kids love doing crafts and this one can easily be completed by the kids. 


White Card stock
markers for eyes or wiggly eyes
various colored ribbon cut in lengths of 10" ((6 to 7 pieces per cloud)
cotton ballls (optional)


1. Start by cutting out a cloud shape out of the white construction paper.

2. Now you have a choice. Do you want to cover the shape with cotton balls? Or do you want a smiley face?
  • Cotton Ball Option: glue the cotton balls all over your cloud shape. You can have the kids stretch them out to go further. 
  • Smiley face option: Draw on a cute face or glue wiggly eyes and draw a face on the cloud.

3. Have the kids choose 6 - 7 lengths to glue on the back of their cloud.

4. Have the kids glue the lengths of ribbon onto the back of their cloud.

5. Find a great place to hang your clouds and enjoy!